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Being There: Student Post

Posted originally on Makayla’s blog January 13, 2016

|Makayla| I have a name. I want people to know it. I love being called by my name because that means that I am known. At school, If I fall down, I get picked up. If it’s by a friend, or a classmate, or a sibling, or a teacher. I get picked up.

I am like no other. And I’m not afraid to show it. Here, is where I am wanted. If I am having a bad day, I get encouraged. If it’s by a friend, or a classmate, or a sibling, or a teacher. I get encouraged.

If I’m struggling, I will have help. I will not get left alone. I will get help. If it’s by a friend, or a classmate, or a sibling, or a teacher. I get helped.

I used to feel ashamed of what I didn’t know. But now, I’m not. You have to embrace that you don’t know everything. And then you can learn and not be afraid to ask questions. If I need someone to help me get up the staircase of life, then someone will be there. If it’s a friend, or a classmate, or a sibling, or a teacher. Someone will always be there.

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