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The Thin Places: Advent

Team Anastasis,

As we enter the Advent season, I’m reminded of “A Thin Place” (as the Irish call it): a spot where you feel closer to the spiritual world than elsewhere. Sharlande Sledge gives this description: “Thin places,” the Celts call this space, Both seen and unseen, Where the door between this world And the next is cracked open for a moment And the light is not all on the other side. God shaped space. Holy.

It is this “thin place” that we enter into during Advent as we celebrate a coming, we want to invite you to join us in this journey toward the “Thin Place.” Every morning during Metanoia, we will be focused on the advent. On the coming. This morning your children listened to some reading on advent, their insight into this “Thin Place” and season of coming was astounding. I wish that we had been recording their incredible words of wisdom, I hope they share them with you this evening!

In addition to becoming more intentional about the advent, it is our hope that we, as a community, can bring others into the presence of God by our actions. Each day, in addition to the Advent exploration, your kids are being challenged with a random act of kindness. These are very doable acts of kindness that all ages can engage. We hope that you will join us in these acts of kindness as a family. Talk about them, do them together, challenge one another. Let’s be the body this advent season.

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” -Siddhartha Gautama

We want our community to be a place where happiness cascades, where we can share in serving others and bringing the light of a thousand candles.

December first is waiting for you… Please share with family and friends!

Check back every day for a new advent message and challenge. We will put a link on Facebook each day as well! Don’t follow us yet? You should!

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