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Incredible Things: a note to Anastasis teachers

|Kelly Tenkely|

It is an incredible thing to read weekly newsletters when I’m not there to see these things happening first hand. Being separated from the “daily grind” of it all gives me a new view.  A new appreciation.  It helps me remember what an incredible thing it is to have a mobile school/classroom where students live their learning.  A student body that serves others.  A classroom experience that embraces technology but doesn’t focus on it.  A staff that is more like a group of friends than employees showing up for a paycheck.  Parents who are eager to share the transformation happening in their families as a result of our actions.  Play. Laughter. Joy.

This is a dream realized.

Being in the middle of it, we can take it for granted.  We can forget what an AWESOME thing we are doing together.  We can forget that we are doing the work of the Spirit.

This is big and important.  I’m so completely humbled and blessed to be surrounded by such greatness.

You are wonderful. Thank you!

**Anastasis Academy is hiring for the 2013-2014 school year, if you want to join this incredible dream team send us your resume and fill out an application here.**

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